May 20, 2019
// NewsRachel Beisel Honored by Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) Rocky Mountain Chapter
Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) Rocky Mountain Chapter announced cable industry leaders and rising stars. CableLab’s Rachel Beisel, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, was honored at the annual Walk of Fame signature event on May 9, 2019. The Walk of Fame is an inspiring celebration of the influential leaders in cable, who go above and beyond, push for success and change that brings immeasurable impact to our industry, but also exemplify the WICT Touchstones of Leadership.
Congratulations Rachel!
About CableLabs
As the leading innovation and R&D lab for the cable industry, CableLabs creates global impact through its member companies around the world and its subsidiary, Kyrio. With a state-of-the art research and innovation facility and collaborative ecosystem with thousands of vendors, CableLabs delivers impactful network technologies for the entire industry.