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April 6, 2016

5G Service Innovations and Upcoming Challenges with Peter Smyth, CableLabs

March 9, 2016

5G Technologies Take Spotlight

February 26, 2016

DOCSIS ® 3.1 Full Duplex Technology

February 10, 2016

CableLabs launches UpRamp™ cable/broadband startup accelerator

February 10, 2016

CableLabs and Cisco Announce Open Source Software for Future of Virtualization in Cable

February 4, 2016

Comcast Names First Five DOCSIS 3.1 Markets

January 22, 2016

CEO Chat with Phil McKinney

January 13, 2016

Five New CableLabs certified DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem products usher in a new generation of broadband services

January 5, 2016

CableLabs Researching Small Cell Capacity