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CableLabs Latin America & Caribbean Summit 2019

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Our members in Latin America and the Caribbean represent a highly diverse group of cable operators – from 16 unique island communities in the Caribbean to 12 equally differentiated countries in North, Central and South America.  History, cultures, demographics, economies, competitors and objectives differ – yet all are bound by common technologies that drive a focus on connectivity for our members who are leading providers of broadband, video, digital voice and mobile services. And, they have an equal commitment to making a difference for the customers and communities they serve.

In this first Latin America and Caribbean Summit, CableLabs will bring together C-level executives, technology leaders and subject matter experts from across this progressive region to provide insight, share and learn.  It’s all about connections – with CableLabs, with cable operators, with individuals committed to an industry and a region defined by opportunity for growth, innovation and impact.



    • 6:30 - 8:30pm Registration and Information
    • 6:30 - 8:30pm Welcome Reception
    • 7:00am - 6:30pm Registration / Information
    • 7:00 - 8:00am Breakfast
    • 8:00 - 8:30am CEO Fireside Chat
      A “view from the top” with the CEO leading the business and strategy for Liberty Latin America. Understand the markets served by LLA, the fixed and mobile networks across the LLA landscape, LLA’s technology strategy and its competition. And how Latin American and Caribbean markets differ from their North American counterparts.

      Phil McKinney, CableLabs
      Balan Nair, Liberty Latin America
    • 8:30 - 9:30am DOCSIS® 4.0 — The Alphabet Soup of DAA, ESD, FDX, R-PHY . . . and More
      DOCSIS 4.0 introduces the capability for symmetric multigigabit service tiers. Migrating to DOCSIS 4.0 requires the HFC network to be either Node+0 for Full Duplex DOCSIS (FDX) or upgraded to 1.8 GHz for Extended Spectrum DOCSIS (ESD). This session will discuss how to get there using these two alternative – and compatible – technologies. And frames the questions critical for the path you choose: Where does your access network need to go? What services are you planning for the future? What is the timing of each step along the way? How important is service convergence over your optical network?

      Rob Howald, Comcast
      Curtis Knittle, CableLabs
      Matt Petersen, Charter Communications
    • 9:30 - 10:30am MSO Technology Roadmaps — How You Get There From Here
      Operators discuss their roadmaps for the evolution of their networks – DOCSIS, fiber deep, FTTH, mobile, wireless – together with the business, consumer and technology drivers which define the directions they are taking. Learn not only where they are going, but how they are getting there.

      Rob Howald, Comcast
      Miguel Fernandez, Telecom Argentina
      Chuck Page, Liberty Latin America
      Miguel Sol, Megacable
    • 10:30 - 11:00am Break
    • 11:00 - 11:45am Kyrio™ — The Connectivity Community’s Trusted Service Provider
      As a subsidiary of CableLabs, Kyrio is focused on the needs of MSOs and their network solution suppliers, bringing the credibility and reliability our customers need. Kyrio will provide an overview of how our testing services integrate with MSO procurement teams, key early learnings from the launch of the “Lifecycle Community Test Program”, how we are extending our Community Service Strategy to include new software and professional services, followed by several example new services that are following this model.

      Mark Davies, Kyrio
      Ike Elliott, Kyrio and CableLabs
    • 11:45am - 12:00pm UpRamp® and CableLabs Security Initiatives
      We will profile several innovation companies which have participated in our UpRamp Fiterator program, together with an overview of CableLabs security initiatives, including DOCSIS security, wireless security and collaborative DDoS information sharing project.

      Kyle Haefner, CableLabs
      Lisa Schwab, UpRamp
    • 12:00 - 12:30pm Technology Strategy 1
      What is Technology Strategy at CableLabs? We’ll provide a brief introduction to the work of CableLabs’ Technology Strategy team and how to engage with the team and its work.

      Bandwidth Utilization and Consumer Behavior. Interested in learning how your network is growing compared to others? Or what applications might be driving usage growth in the future? In this presentation, we cover recent growth of subscriber usage on cable networks globally and use internal CableLabs forecasting work to investigate which applications may drive both downstream and upstream usage in the coming years.

      Jacob Malone, CableLabs
      Ron Reuss, CableLabs
    • 12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch
    • 1:30 - 2:30pm In-Home Wi-Fi Technologies and Service Strategies – Delivering Customer Experience Where It Matters Most
      As technology, customer expectations and the pervasiveness of wireless connectivity advance in the home, is there an evolution of managed Wi-Fi to “2.0”? A discussion of business models, technology, operations, customer experience, back office support – from the cable operator’s perspective.

      Josh Redmore, CableLabs
      Ewam DeFreitas, Liberty Latin America
      Israel Madiedo, Izzi Telecom
      Vincencio Maya, Millicom
    • 2:30 - 3:30pm CTO Roundtable — Profiles in Technology Leadership
      Hear from three of the leading CTOs across our members in Latin America discuss their technology strategies, priorities and experiences, including the integration of complex fixed networks, in-home Wi-Fi networks and mobile networks.

      Ken Klaer, Comcast
      Miguel Fernandez, Telecom Argentina
      Vivek Khemka, Liberty Latin America
      Miguel Sol, Megacable
    • 3:30 - 4:00pm Break
    • 4:00 - 5:00pm Operational Transformation 1 — Supercharging DOCSIS Performance
      DOCSIS has enabled us to provide 100+ Mbps – and now gigabit – speeds over our broadband networks. To get the most of out of our DOCSIS networks, and to ensure we’re delivering on the speeds to which we have committed to our customers, complex configuration and management is necessary. Fortunately, new tools and approaches are available to help address these challenges. In this session we will discuss the challenges of effectively implementing DOCSIS networks, and how operators are optimizing their DOCSIS networks and leveraging new data-centric tools to ensure we get the absolute best out of our HFC infrastructure.

      Damian Poltz, Shaw Communications
      David Ririe, Cox Communications
      Karthik Sundaresan, CableLabs
    • 5:00 - 6:30pm Reception
    • 7:00am - 2:30pm Registration / Information
    • 7:00 - 8:00am Breakfast
    • 8:00 - 9:00am CEO Beachside Chat – Of Differences and Similarities Driving Success
      CEOs with different networks and profiles – one which operates fixed and satellite networks entirely within Mexico competing against one of the largest telecommunications providers in the world, the other which operates fixed and mobile networks across nine countries in Central and South America and competes against two of the largest telecommunications providers in the world. Each of which is gaining share in its markets. CableLabs’ CEO Phil McKinney will draw out the similarities and differences across these operators – understanding why they succeed in the markets they serve.

      Phil McKinney, CableLabs
      Raymundo Fernandez, Megacable
      Salvi Folch Viadero, Izzi Telecom
      Mauricio Ramos, Millicom
    • 9:00 - 10:00am Operational Transformation 2 — Why Training Has an ROI and ROCX that You Should Care About
      Training across all of its dimensions – installation, technical, repair, headend, access networks, in-home Wi-Fi networks – not only makes solid operational sense, it also makes sound financial sense and indispensable customer experience impact. Understand the programs that SCTE has developed with unique application to Latin American operators – and the results that operators in both Latin America and the U.S. have achieved. You will be amazed – as were we.

      Bill Warga, Liberty Global
      Matt Aden, SCTE
      Roberto López, Telecom Argentina
      Israel Madiedo, Izzi Telecom
    • 10:00 - 10:30am Break
    • 10:30 - 11:30am Fixed-Mobile Convergence and 5G — The Real Story
      Cable operators are also mobile operators – either MNOs owning and operating their own networks or MVNOs leveraging the network resources of other mobile operators. Our fixed networks provide unique and ubiquitous opportunities to support mobile networks through small cells, fronthaul, backhaul and common core solutions. Understand the strategies – and the technologies that support these strategies – for the convergence of HFC and FTTH networks with mobile networks.

      Mariam Sorond, CableLabs
      Tim Burke, Liberty Latin America
      Miguel Fernandez, Telecom Argentina
    • 11:30am - 12:30pm Operational Transformation 3 – Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Resilient Networks and Plans that Make a Difference
      Natural disasters – in both frequency and intensity – have become the new normal impacting the reliability of our networks. Man-made and human errors can equally result in significant network failures. Developing resilient networks – together with well-developed programs – to minimize damage, downtime, repair and recovery are mission critical to the success of disaster recovery plans. Preparing for, managing and implementing disaster recovery plans are an indispensable part of system operations. Learn what DR planning and strategy operators have developed, their experiences in implementing them – and what they changed following the disasters they managed.

      Chris Bastian, SCTE
      Powell Bedgood, Mediacom
      Gary Brandreth, Liberty Latin America
      Jim Davies, Charter Communications
    • 12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch
    • 1:30 - 2:30pm IP Video Transition — Why, When and How?
      How far along is your IP video strategy from a product, economic, marketing and rollout perspective? The alternatives are many – or are they? Mobitv, TiVo, Vubiquity . . . not to mention unicast, multicast and others. Does video continue to make sense from an investment and consumer perspective? Operators will outline their current plans and share their thoughts on their transition to the delivery of IP video services – and what is driving their decisions.

      Jeff Chen, CableLabs
      Bill Chatwell, Midco
      Eduardo Dontelli, Millicom
      Eduardo Panciera, Telecom Argentina
    • 2:30 - 3:30pm Technology Strategy 2
      Fixed Wireless Access (FWA): Cable’s Opportunities and Economic Considerations. FWA, often dubbed as the pioneering 5G use case, has emerged as an important avenue for cable’s wireline footprint expansion through wireless means. We’ll review our recent FWA analysis, looking at the impact of key parameters such as housing unit (HU) density, market penetration, and propagation/capacity of spectrum bands (sub-6GHz and mm-wave) on FWA deployment economics. We’ll look at sensitivities to these and other key parameters that operators should consider when assessing their own FWA deployment.

      Fixed Line Substitution and Mobile-Only Cord-Cutting. As mobile networks continue to improve with the deployment of new LTE and 5G technologies and mobile network operators provide plans with unlimited usage, mobile-only connectivity becomes a better substitute for fixed line service. Strong competition in mobile markets could drive lost customer relationships for cable operators, potentially making mobile-only cord-cutting a riskier trend for the industry than pay TV cord-cutting. In this presentation, we review empirical work by CableLabs showing evidence of consumers pushing fixed line volume over the mobile network and early views on the rate of mobile-only cord-cutting.

      Jacob Malone, CableLabs
      Shahed Mazumder, CableLabs
    • 3:30 - 3:45pm Closing