DOCSIS Technologies for Mobile Backhaul: Download our White Paper

As the small cell densification wave is becoming a reality, mobile operators are faced with the complex task of searching for suitable backhaul solutions. This is where the hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) networks rise up to the challenge.
DOCSIS networks provide three main elements critical to backhaul solutions; location, power and capacity. Mobile operators are faced with the challenge on deciding whether DOCSIS networks can meet the backhaul requirements (such as capacity, latency and synchronization) of future mobile technologies.
These are the questions we address in our recently published white paper “DOCSIS Technologies for Mobile Backhaul,” coauthored by me and my colleague Belal Hamzeh. In the paper, we provide an overview of recent advances in the DOCSIS technology that CableLabs, in collaboration with some of our industry partners, have been working on to support backhauling 4G, 4.5G and 5G mobile technologies.
Of course, there is a lot more to writing specifications and designing architectures when it comes to deploying a high-quality backhaul. To that end, we are establishing a Mobile Backhaul R&D Lab to support the industry in the development of mobile backhaul over DOCSIS networks.
Click below to download your copy of our white paper.