
Coming Up for Air on LTE-U Coexistence: An Update
February 12, 2016
If you have been tracking CableLabs’ work to ensure that the introduction of LTE into unlicensed spectrum does not do disproportionate harm to Wi-Fi consumers, you may have noticed that it has been a while since we wrote in this blog on the topic. That’s not because we’ve moved on, however. To the contrary, we’ve […]

Fair LTE-U Coexistence Far From Proven In CableLabs / Qualcomm Testing
November 11, 2015
CableLabs has been working hard to ensure that the introduction of LTE into unlicensed spectrum is a win for wireless broadband, and that it does not disrupt the Wi-Fi services that consumers have come to rely on. We have covered in prior posts why that is a challenge, since LTE-U can take advantage of Wi-Fi’s […]

Wi-Fi vs. Duty Cycled LTE-U: In-Home Testing Reveals Coexistence Challenges
November 5, 2015
Rob Alderfer, VP Technology Policy, CableLabs and Nadia Yoza-Mitsuishi, Wireless Architect Intern, CableLabs also contributed to this article. In our last blog on Wi-Fi / LTE coexistence, we laid out the dangers attending the apparent decision of a few large carriers to go forward with the carrier scale deployment of a non-standard form of unlicensed […]

Can LTE-U Forum Specification Provide Fair Coexistence?
September 22, 2015
At CableLabs, we have been deeply engaged in ensuring that Wi-Fi and other technologies continue to thrive as LTE mobile technology is newly brought in to unlicensed spectrum. We have participated in the international standards process at 3GPP, and we are glad to say that there has been some progress by that body to lay […]

Approaches to Increasing Wireless Spectrum
May 13, 2014
At the 2014 Cable Show, one of the hottest topics was Wi-Fi. It doesn’t take long to realize how important access to this suddenly precious resource really is: Studies indicate that the number of wirelessly connected devices will triple by 2020, to a mind-blowing 30 billion devices. [Related: Wireless Spectrum Infographic] And with each new […]

FCC Votes to Expand Wireless Spectrum: A Win for Wi-Fi
March 31, 2014
Today is a big day for Wi-Fi and everyone that uses it – which is, of course, all of us. Our Wi-Fi is about to get twice as good. How? By doubling the size of the Wi-Fi pipe. The FCC voted today to double the amount of wireless spectrum that Wi-Fi uses in the 5 […]

Clearing the Air: FCC Faces Wi-Fi Spectrum Challenges
December 17, 2013
For most of us, Wi-Fi is the way we connect online. It’s the key to our broadband world, and Cable operators are rapidly rolling it out. But the growth of Wi-Fi means that we are using more of the resource, straining wireless capacity. Not only that, but next-gen Wi-Fi, known as 802.11ac or “gigabit Wi-Fi” (since it […]