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2 Resolutions for World Wi-Fi Day 2017

June 19, 2017

It’s World Wi-Fi Day! Really, given how much we work on Wi-Fi technology, every day is Wi-Fi Day at CableLabs. Since the rest of the world has decided to take note, it feels a bit like New Year’s. So, how about a couple of resolutions? In the coming year, we in the Wi-Fi industry should resolve […]

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CableLabs Joins the CBRS Alliance

September 26, 2016

On April 28, the FCC finalized its rules for the Citizens’ Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), opening 150 MHz of spectrum for shared use by commercial entities in the 3.5 GHz band (3.55-3.7 GHz). There will be 15 ten megahertz-wide (MHz) channels available at a granular census tract geography across the United States, suitable for LTE time […]

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Liberty Global and CableLabs Join MulteFire Alliance

September 21, 2016

Today, CableLabs is taking a significant step to drive the development of next-generation wireless technology. We are excited to announce that, along with our member Liberty Global, we are joining the MulteFire Alliance, an open consortium dedicated to making mobile technologies more widely available for use in shared, unlicensed spectrum. MulteFire is based on 3GPP […]

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It’s Only Wireless for THIS long

August 17, 2016

Why the underlying fiber network is critical to mobile communications. — The explosion in popularity of the mobile game Pokémon Go has triggered unprecedented attention on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Many believe that Pokémon Go is just the first step into the fully-immersive VR and AR applications, which, from a bandwidth demand perspective, […]

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CableLabs Joins the UK 5G Innovation Centre

July 19, 2016

Why is 5G important? 5G, the next generation of mobile communication technology, will redefine communications services and their associated networks over the next five to fifteen years. Whereas the emphasis in the media at the moment focuses very much around the potential for Gbps radio services in the Millimeter frequency bands (mm-wave), one of the most […]

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Solutions for Whole Home Wi-Fi Coverage

May 12, 2016

For the majority of homeowners, a single Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) is enough to provide whole home coverage with reliable performance. However, there are homes where a single AP provides insufficient coverage or has unreliable performance in certain areas of the home. For example, as the size of the house increases (> 3000 square feet), […]

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Please Join CableLabs at Inform[ED]™ Wireless

March 9, 2016

The cable industry has been playing an increasing role in advancing wireless technologies as fixed and mobile networks are converging. Today the cable industry provides wireless customers with the largest footprint of wireless hotspots in an environment of increasing mobility as well as providing backhaul connections to mobile operator cell sites.  To meet the predicted […]

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Li-Fi – A Bright Future for Home Networks

March 8, 2016

At CableLabs, we are continually researching new methods of in-home wireless network distribution, and one exciting new contender is Li-Fi. What is Li-Fi? Li-Fi is the modulation of a free-space beam of light in order to transmit a signal. It can be thought of as analogous to Wi-Fi, just in a much higher frequency band […]

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First Impressions of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

February 23, 2016

CableLabs is hosting its first tour of Mobile World Congress (MWC) here in Barcelona, Spain. The MWC is the World’s largest mobile congress with attendance likely to top over one hundred thousand people from two hundred countries. It’s the place to be seen in the mobile world, which today is more than about handsets and […]

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Are Wi-Fi Repeaters and Extenders Beneficial?

February 23, 2016

Subscribers today often supplement their existing Wi-Fi Access Points (AP) with wireless repeaters and extenders to enhance Wi-Fi coverage within the home network. Frequently, we are asked if these devices provide any real benefit. To answer these questions, we ran some tests in a house to measure and compare the relative performance of a couple […]

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