Can LTE-U Forum Specification Provide Fair Coexistence?
September 22, 2015
At CableLabs, we have been deeply engaged in ensuring that Wi-Fi and other technologies continue to thrive as LTE mobile technology is newly brought in to unlicensed spectrum. We have participated in the international standards process at 3GPP, and we are glad to say that there has been some progress by that body to lay […]
Can a Wi-Fi radio detect Duty Cycled LTE?
June 24, 2015
For my third blog I thought I’d give you preview of a side project I’ve been working on. The original question was pretty simple: Can I use a Wi-Fi radio to identify the presence of LTE? Before we go into what I’m finding, let’s recap: We know LTE is coming into the unlicensed spectrum in […]
Carrier-Grade Wi-Fi Keeps Pace With Wi-Fi Network Growth: How CableLabs is Contributing
April 28, 2014
“Operators of all kinds – fixed, mobile, converged and pure-play Wi-Fi – are moving beyond using Wi-Fi just for convenient access, or data offload, and are making it a central part of their broader strategies to support a high quality broadband experience everywhere.” (Excerpt from WBA Industry Report 2013: Global Trends in Public Wi-Fi p3) Over […]
FCC Votes to Expand Wireless Spectrum: A Win for Wi-Fi
March 31, 2014
Today is a big day for Wi-Fi and everyone that uses it – which is, of course, all of us. Our Wi-Fi is about to get twice as good. How? By doubling the size of the Wi-Fi pipe. The FCC voted today to double the amount of wireless spectrum that Wi-Fi uses in the 5 […]