Can a Wi-Fi radio detect Duty Cycled LTE?
June 24, 2015
For my third blog I thought I’d give you preview of a side project I’ve been working on. The original question was pretty simple: Can I use a Wi-Fi radio to identify the presence of LTE? Before we go into what I’m finding, let’s recap: We know LTE is coming into the unlicensed spectrum in […]
Carrier-Grade Wi-Fi Keeps Pace With Wi-Fi Network Growth: How CableLabs is Contributing
April 28, 2014
“Operators of all kinds – fixed, mobile, converged and pure-play Wi-Fi – are moving beyond using Wi-Fi just for convenient access, or data offload, and are making it a central part of their broader strategies to support a high quality broadband experience everywhere.” (Excerpt from WBA Industry Report 2013: Global Trends in Public Wi-Fi p3) Over […]
FCC Votes to Expand Wireless Spectrum: A Win for Wi-Fi
March 31, 2014
Today is a big day for Wi-Fi and everyone that uses it – which is, of course, all of us. Our Wi-Fi is about to get twice as good. How? By doubling the size of the Wi-Fi pipe. The FCC voted today to double the amount of wireless spectrum that Wi-Fi uses in the 5 […]