voluntary energy initiatives

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Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreements Helped Pave the Way for Increased Remote Access

August 19, 2020

We’re enduring crazy times in 2020! Because of COVID-19, the world has shifted to learning, working and playing at home for months at a time—and residential cable networks have successfully handled the load. One key reason that networks have managed so well is because cable service providers build for the future: The majority of cable […]

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Another Year – Another Impressive Result for Voluntary Energy Initiatives

August 16, 2018

It’s that time again! Its annual report season for three very important voluntary energy efficiency initiatives in the US and Canada: The award-winning US Set-top Box Voluntary Agreement (US STB VA) The US Small Network Equipment Voluntary Agreement (US SNE VA) The Canadian Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement (CEEVA) for Set-top Boxes What are voluntary agreements […]

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