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Adaptive Bitrate and MPEG-DASH

May 26, 2015

The basic solution that streaming video provides is that an entire video file does not need to be downloaded before it is viewed. Little chunks of media may be grabbed for playback in order to achieve the same effect. The one caveat is that the media must be received as fast of the player consumes […]

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Encrypted Media Extensions Provide a Common Ground

May 19, 2015

Background Carriage agreements between content owners and Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPDs) are likely to contain clauses that require the MVPD to provide ample protection against content theft. In the traditional, QAM-based delivery model of cable television networks, the desired level of protection was relatively easy to implement and manage due to the fact that […]

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Next Generation Video: Beyond 4K

April 20, 2015

4K Video has captured the attention of consumers, retailers and television manufacturers. Next generation video is not just about 4K, though. Improving the video experience goes beyond resolution itself. CableLabs operates a Video Quality Lab at its Louisville, CO facility where various formats of video streams have been analyzed, compared, and tested in a controlled […]

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A Look at CableLabs, from CEO Phil McKinney

May 8, 2014

Phil McKinney, CEO at CableLabs, recently wrote an article for Cablefax highlighting the history and work of CableLabs within the cable industry.  Here is a snippet, and be sure to follow the link to read the entire article: “Today’s cable industry is a far cry from what it was twenty years ago when the Internet was […]

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