
CableLabs Specifications Move From De Facto to De Jure
October 6, 2020
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines de facto and de jure as follows: de facto | di-ˈfak-(ˌ)tō – actual, exercising power as if legally constituted de jure | (ˌ)dē-ˈju̇r-ē – by right, based on laws or actions of the state In law and government, de facto describes practices that exist in reality, even though they are not officially […]

Specifications Aren’t Pretty…But They Are Necessary
July 20, 2020
Over 22 years ago, my first project at CableLabs was to prepare the DOCSIS® 1.0 Radio Frequency Interface (RFI) specification as a contribution to the International Telecommunication Institute-Telecom Sector (ITU-T). After working in various industries, I found the telecommunications industry to be an exciting new world. During my first week, I started a list of […]

A Step Towards Better Wi-Fi
February 2, 2018
CableLabs is excited about the publication of the Wi-Fi Multi Access Point (AP) Specification draft by Wi-Fi Alliance®. With the release of this draft specification, the Wi-Fi industry is moving towards greater interoperability and coordination between APs from different vendors. The Wi-Fi Multi Access Point (AP) Specification defines the control protocol, as well as the […]

CableLabs® New Remote PHY Specifications expand DOCSIS® Network deployment options
July 7, 2015
DOCSIS technology continues to extend the usefulness of the hybrid fiber coaxial network and increase its global adoption. Distributed Architectures for DOCSIS networks are emerging that provide significant scale advantages and flexible deployment options supporting for both DOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 3.1 networks. Distributed DOCSIS deployments are beginning today in some markets based on the […]