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Please Join CableLabs at Inform[ED]™ Wireless

March 9, 2016

The cable industry has been playing an increasing role in advancing wireless technologies as fixed and mobile networks are converging. Today the cable industry provides wireless customers with the largest footprint of wireless hotspots in an environment of increasing mobility as well as providing backhaul connections to mobile operator cell sites.  To meet the predicted […]

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SCOTUS Sidesteps an Interface with APIs

July 9, 2015

On the last day of its term, the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and thus it let stand a controversial copyright decision by the appellate court on the copyrightability of application program interfaces or APIs. The case, Oracle v. Google, dates back to 2010 […]

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Clearing the Air: FCC Faces Wi-Fi Spectrum Challenges

December 17, 2013

For most of us, Wi-Fi is the way we connect online. It’s the key to our broadband world, and Cable operators are rapidly rolling it out. But the growth of Wi-Fi means that we are using more of the resource, straining wireless capacity. Not only that, but next-gen Wi-Fi, known as 802.11ac or “gigabit Wi-Fi” (since it […]

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