
Interop·Labs for DOCSIS® 4.0 Technology
July 20, 2021
On behalf of CableLabs, Kyrio will be hosting upcoming DOCSIS 4.0 interoperability events! DOCSIS 4.0 technology is the next evolution of the HFC network, moving the industry towards the 10G vision and offering multigigabit symmetric services as well as low latencies over the network. As vendors work to create the development of DOCSIS 4.0 products, CableLabs and Kyrio are busy preparing for the next phase of technology development: conducting interoperability events. CableLabs has established a rigorous process for technology […]

Medical Grade Connectivity: How IoT Drives Digital Transformation in Healthcare
April 20, 2017
The connected world that is enabling the digital transformation of our lives and society is pervasive. So often, people view the radical transitions as dehumanizing – that technology moving us further from each other, making our relationships more distant and our interactions impersonal. However, this really doesn’t hold up to close scrutiny when we consider […]

Cable Connects with Healthcare
March 15, 2017
The connection between cable and healthcare may not be immediately obvious to the casual observer. However, upon further reflection, this connection becomes more evident. Cable companies have been expanding their commercial services to focus on the healthcare vertical.[1] Cable operators are able to deliver a cost-effective bundle of broadband, telephone, and television services that meet […]

DOCSIS 3.1 Technology: Spec to Product in One Year
December 22, 2015
Around this time last year, CableLabs kicked off the first DOCSIS® 3.1 interoperability event. Looking back, it is amazing how far we have come. Over the last year, CableLabs has held seven DOCSIS 3.1 interoperability events that provide manufacturers with the opportunity to work together on interoperability, development, and compliance. A total of 27 vendors […]