
CableLabs Specifications Move From De Facto to De Jure
October 6, 2020
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines de facto and de jure as follows: de facto | di-ˈfak-(ˌ)tō – actual, exercising power as if legally constituted de jure | (ˌ)dē-ˈju̇r-ē – by right, based on laws or actions of the state In law and government, de facto describes practices that exist in reality, even though they are not officially […]

ETSI NFV Continues to Build Momentum
February 29, 2016
Last year I blogged about ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group (ETSI NFV) progress. The ETSI NFV body of work has become firmly established as the key reference for both global standards bodies and open source communities. Last week I was in Dublin for the thirteenth ETSI NFV plenary meeting (NFV#13) hosted by Cobham Wireless and […]

OPNFV Builds Momentum With First Code Release
June 4, 2015
Today sees the first OPNFV release known as ‘Arno’ (OPNFV releases are named after rivers) which OPNFV has been busily creating since the community was launched last September. In my blog celebrating the OPNFV launch I outlined the importance of open source to stimulate innovation and accelerate progress on implementation. At CableLabs we are very […]