Debunking the Myths of Shared Networks: The Point-to-Multipoint Effect
October 11, 2016
“I don’t want to have to share a pipe. The problem with ‘cable’ is shared pipes. If my neighbor is doing a bunch of stuff over the network, I get impacted too. With fiber I get speed and no shared pipes.” — Entrepreneur in a focus group The notion that subscribers connected to residential fiber […]

Adversarial Engineering
July 13, 2016
Security engineering is one of few technical endeavors in which you deal with an adversary. There are a few other domains such as electronic warfare or fire prevention. Working against an adversary in this way is like playing a twisted game of chess. As the game begins, the security engineer is aware of most of […]

New Open Source Initiative at CableLabs
February 10, 2016
Open source software continues to make solid inroads in the world of network technology. There are various open source industry efforts which are becoming de-facto standards that are being adopted by operators and equipment manufacturers (Linux, Apache, OpenStack, Docker etc). Open source leads to free and quick proliferation of good ideas. Collaboration tackles tough problems […]

A Great DOCSIS 3.1 Achievement: Certification!
January 13, 2016
For months, many people have been asking me: “When will DOCSIS 3.1 devices get certified?” My response has generally been something along the lines of: “When they successfully demonstrate they’re ready based on the test results. The team at CableLabs will do everything we can to facilitate this process, as our goal is to see […]

DOCSIS 3.1 Technology: Spec to Product in One Year
December 22, 2015
Around this time last year, CableLabs kicked off the first DOCSIS® 3.1 interoperability event. Looking back, it is amazing how far we have come. Over the last year, CableLabs has held seven DOCSIS 3.1 interoperability events that provide manufacturers with the opportunity to work together on interoperability, development, and compliance. A total of 27 vendors […]

DOCSIS® 3.1 Products Are Getting Real!
October 12, 2015
Is the cable industry ready to deliver multi-gigabit broadband? Can the industry effectively compete in the market against fiber? Can the existing HFC plant scale to support the spectrum requirements of next generation services? The answer to all these questions is a resounding YES! as shown at CableLabs during a DOCSIS 3.1 demonstration day held […]

DOCSIS 3.1® Update: Get Your Engines Running…. The Engines ARE Running!
August 24, 2015
The original title for this blog was supposed to be “DOCSIS® 3.1 Update: Get your engines running,” but in reality, the engines ARE already running! In fact, the DOCSIS 3.1 engines have been running hot since the start of the year. With the technology rapidly maturing, vendors have accelerated their product development. Let’s take a […]

How DOCSIS 3.1 Reduces Latency with Active Queue Management
June 6, 2014
At CableLabs we sometimes think big picture, like unifying the worldwide PON standards, and sometimes we focus on little things that have big impacts. In the world of cable modems a lot has been said about the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth, the rock-solid historical trend where broadband speeds go up by a factor of about […]

Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM): Smarter Technology for Smarter Maintenance
May 19, 2014
We have always wanted more information about our world: Where is our next meal coming from; what’s the weather like; are my kids OK; did my team win? Past information delivery systems, such as the telegraph, the telephone, and broadcast television, have all been supplemented with the Internet. At a basic level, the Internet exists, […]