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Tackling Security Challenges in 5G Networks

June 1, 2022

Today, 5G mobile networks are being deployed rapidly around the globe. According to GSMA Mobile Economy 2021, 5G mobile connections in North America accounted for 3 percent of all mobile connections in 2020, but that number is expected to climb to 51 percent by 2025. On top of the accelerated deployment of public 5G networks, […]

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Capitalizing on Data: An Engine to Business Services Growth

July 22, 2015

Aligning a service provider’s business with its drive for new services and optimized operations relies heavily on one foundational element — data. Working closely with our cable operator members, the CableLabs team recognizes that access to data provides key insights that drive business and technology innovations. Supporting the growth opportunities our members have in Business […]

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SDN & NFV: Moving the Network into the Cloud

February 26, 2014

Cisco recently predicted that Internet traffic will reach 1.4 zettabytes per year by 2017. This traffic explosion is putting pressure on service providers to rein in costs while increasing capacity.  Enter Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).  In much the same way that virtualization and Cloud have changed computing, the combination of […]

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