Best common practices

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Available Now: Ransomware Active Attack Response Best Common Practices Document

May 23, 2023

Ransomware continues to wreak havoc on global industry, governments, individuals and enterprises. Research shows that more than a third of all businesses were victims of ransomware in 2021, and now over a quarter of all malware has been reprovisioned for ransom. Ransomware is the result of malicious attackers compromising a system or network and exfiltrating […]

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Improving the Resilience of Cable Networks Through RPKI

January 24, 2022

Today, CableLabs is releasing a set of best common practices to help accelerate the deployment of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), which can mitigate the risk of IP prefix hijacking. All broadband networks serving residential and business users consist of both access networks and IP networks. The access network connects residential homes and business premises […]

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