Mobility Lab Webinar Recap and Q&A: CBRS Neutral Host Network using Multi-Operator Core Network

Last week, we hosted the first webinar in our mobility lab series “CBRS Neutral Host Network using Multiple Operator Core Network.” In case you missed it, you can read about the webinar in this blog or scroll down for the links to the video and Q&A.
Background: CableLabs Mobility Lab Webinar Series
The FCC established Citizen’s Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), a 3.5GHz shared spectrum, to alleviate the shortage of frequencies available for wireless communication services. From an operator perspective, propagation characteristics of the CBRS band are a good fit with low-powered small cells, which can provide a capacity boost and fill in the coverage holes for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. With CBRS General Authorized Access (GAA) deployments on the verge of seeing the light by early 2019, wireless operators are investigating ways to utilize newly allocated CBRS band.
Neutral Host Network (NHN) is a CBRS use case which is attractive for mobile operators, cable operators and new entrants because it:
- Lowers expenses of buying licensed spectrum
- Lowers investments in building network infrastructure
- Lowers initial roll-out costs of operating and managing new deployments
With NHN deployments operating in shared spectrum, such as CBRS, there is no need to coordinate radio frequency network planning between the multiple operators sharing the neutral host access network.
Mobility Lab Webinar #1: CBRS NHN Use Case Using Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN)
Leveraging our in-house mobility lab, we built test setups for several CBRS use cases. The first webinar demonstrates a CBRS use case which utilizes a 3GPP deployment model, called Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN), where an operator shares its access network and spectrum with other operators. This use case can be a viable alternative to conventional single operator owned network infrastructure.
The webinar provides:
- An overview of Network Sharing, Active Network Sharing, MOCN and CBRS
- Description of CBRS NHN use case and its deployment scenarios
- Lab demonstration of CBRS NHN use case
Our upcoming webinars will showcase the various mobility lab projects we are working on. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to Wireless Architect Omkar Dharmadhikari. You can view the first webinar here and click the link below to download a copy of the Q&A.