Wireless RF Spectrum Scarcity, What About Light Wave?
December 5, 2018
The scarcity of unlicensed RF spectrum is a never-ending subject in the wireless industry. The 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, once considered profuse, are now overcrowded and regulators such as the FCC are planning to release 1.2 GHz of bandwidth in the 6 GHz band. Over the last decade, this has fueled a growing interest […]
Converged Carriers, Femtocells and Spectral Efficiency: Rethinking the Traditional Outdoor Small Cell Deployment
November 15, 2018
With the release of any new generation, or “G,” in the cellular world, the goal is always to outperform the previous generation when it comes to spectral efficiency—that is, how many bits you can pack into your slice of airwaves. To telecom nerds, this is expressed as bits per second per hertz (bps/Hz). Going from […]
Operators Now Have the (ad)Vantage™
November 9, 2018
The first Wi-Fi–certified Vantage™ Access Point device became commercially available last month. This is a milestone because it means the Wi-Fi industry is beginning to incorporate carrier-grade Wi-Fi features into Wi-Fi devices. This will benefit operators’ ability to better manage Wi-Fi networks, which—in turn—will benefit users by delivering an elevated quality of experience. The Wi-Fi […]
Mobility Lab Webinar Recap and Q&A: CBRS Neutral Host Network using Multi-Operator Core Network
November 7, 2018
Last week, we hosted the first webinar in our mobility lab series “CBRS Neutral Host Network using Multiple Operator Core Network.” In case you missed it, you can read about the webinar in this blog or scroll down for the links to the video and Q&A. Background: CableLabs Mobility Lab Webinar Series The FCC established […]
CableLabs Presents: Mobility Lab Webinar Series
October 17, 2018
The CableLabs wireless R&D group has a charter to investigate new and emerging wireless technologies that will benefit our cable operator members, half of which also own mobile networks. As cable and mobile networks continue to converge, we’ve built a fully functional mobility lab. The aim of the mobility lab is to conduct validation, proof of […]
Better Home Networks: How EasyMesh™ Delivers Intelligent Wi-Fi
September 11, 2018
Today, many people view Wi-Fi as an essential component in their home. However, people routinely experience connectivity issues because networks aren’t capable of broadcasting their Internet signal adequately and uniformly throughout their home or business. CableLabs is working with the Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA), and its new EasyMesh™ certification program, to solve this problem and provide extended, uniform coverage throughout your […]
Introducing the DOCSIS Synchronization Techniques Specification
July 31, 2018
It’s been nearly a year since the Mobile Backhaul vendor and operator team that I lead started working on techniques to improve DOCSIS® technology to provide better backhaul for mobile. One of the team’s main and most pressing issues was to solve the problem of how to provide precision synchronization and timing. Today, I am […]
Wi-Fi Proactive Network Maintenance: Making Wi-Fi Frictionless, Invisible, and Reliable
July 25, 2018
The term Wi-Fi, coined by the Wi-Fi Alliance, is one of the most widely used and recognized technology terms in the world. That’s understandable when you consider facts like these: KPCBs Mary Meeker, in her highly regarded annual global internet survey, found worldwide Wi-Fi networks grew from 90 million in 2012 to 450 million in […]
Network Slicing: Building Next-Generation Wireless Networks
June 28, 2018
Wireless communication growth has been on the rise, reaching newer industry segments such as the automotive and health industries. Each segment served by the wireless industry has different requirements, some needing ultra-high bandwidth while some requiring exceedingly low latency. With future wireless cellular Internet of Things (IoT) applications like 5G, Narrow-Band IoT (NB-IoT) and machine-to-machine […]
EasyMesh™ Brings Super Connectivity to Home Networks
June 19, 2018
How many times have you been enjoying an HD video in your home and right at the most thrilling point, the movie stops and throws you into endless buffering hell? Or, maybe you’re working from home, on an important Skype call with an overseas client, and your connection drops 2 or 3 times because your […]