

NTIA Announces 2023 5G Challenge Contestants

March 9, 2023

CableLabs congratulates Capgemini, Fujitsu, GXC, Lions Technology, Mavenir, NewEdge Signal Systems and Radisys for being selected as contestants in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) and Department of Defense’s 5G Challenge. The competition is hosted by CableLabs, and contestants will compete for up to $7 million in cash and in-kind prizes. This group of participants was selected for […]

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How 3GPP Is Fostering Network Transformation for Edge Compute

February 27, 2023

Edge computing is expected to grow tremendously in the near term—between 40 and 70 percent by 2028. In the short term, cloud-native applications deployed closer to client devices will be used to solve edge use cases. In the long term, edge computing infrastructure demand will be driven by edge-native use cases—such as augmented reality (AR)/extended […]

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Accelerating Open RAN With the 5G Challenge, Hosted by CableLabs and Kyrio

February 1, 2023

CableLabs has been selected to serve as the host lab for the 5G Challenge for the second year. The 5G Challenge aims to accelerate the adoption of 5G open interfaces, interoperable subsystems and multivendor solutions. By fostering a large, vibrant and growing vendor community, the goal of driving 5G interoperability toward true plug-and-play operation can […]

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Charged Up and Gaining Ground: Global PlugFest Moves Open RAN Ecosystem Closer to Commercial Deployment

January 30, 2023

Service providers constantly reconsider their network architectures in search of economies of scale and new business model opportunities, keeping a close eye on open network architectures. Taking advantage of the continuous decoupling of hardware and software, the mobile industry has been working on a software-defined open radio access network (RAN) initiative called Open RAN. What […]

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CableLabs Brings Mobile Wi-Fi’s Power to Wi-Fi Industry for a Better User Experience 

October 20, 2022

Wi-Fi can be frustrating! It sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Identifying the problems can be difficult, and people often just turn Wi-Fi off on their device and instead use their cellular data connection. In doing so, they miss out on the potentially much higher throughput, and hence the faster Internet connection, that a Wi-Fi connection […]

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NTIA Announces the Full Roster of 5G Challenge Contestants

June 2, 2022

CableLabs congratulates Capgemini Engineering, Fujitsu Network Communications, Mavenir Systems Inc., Radisys Corporation and Signal System Management for being selected as contestants in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (NTIA-ITS) 5G Challenge. The competition is hosted by CableLabs. Including Rakuten, the early bird contestant, this group of six participants highlights the diversity […]

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Tackling Security Challenges in 5G Networks

June 1, 2022

Today, 5G mobile networks are being deployed rapidly around the globe. According to GSMA Mobile Economy 2021, 5G mobile connections in North America accounted for 3 percent of all mobile connections in 2020, but that number is expected to climb to 51 percent by 2025. On top of the accelerated deployment of public 5G networks, […]

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Finding Solutions to Randomized Wi-Fi MAC Addresses

October 5, 2021

As Wi-Fi device and OS vendors move to implement Randomized and Changing MAC Address (RCM) to reduce or eliminate the ability to track users and their devices, related functionality costs on the Wi-Fi industry are emerging. This blog will discuss how the industry is enhancing users’ privacy while working to maintain legitimate functions that require […]

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Bringing Wi-Fi Security to the Next Level

May 4, 2021

WBA PKI Framework Enables RadSec Connection Security In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic nearly eliminated travel. Today, as restrictions are lifted, we’re seeing travel levels increase—particularly locally. Soon, we should all be able to return to the world of far-reaching travel. Whether for trips across town or journeys around the globe, Wi-Fi accessibility is a critical […]

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IWiNS—An Informed Approach to Mobile Traffic Steering

January 5, 2021

It’s 3p.m. and you’re rushing, in between meetings, to pick up your kids from school. You start to pull out of your garage when your boss texts you to hop on a quick video call.  But something doesn’t work. Your app seems stuck, showing a spinning wheel—and you really need to get going. You’re starting […]

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