

FCC Votes to Expand Wireless Spectrum: A Win for Wi-Fi

March 31, 2014

Today is a big day for Wi-Fi and everyone that uses it – which is, of course, all of us. Our Wi-Fi is about to get twice as good. How? By doubling the size of the Wi-Fi pipe. The FCC voted today to double the amount of wireless spectrum that Wi-Fi uses in the 5 […]

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Global Wi-Fi Roaming Accelerates

January 10, 2014

The days of searching for a Wi-Fi connection may soon be over as pervasive, ubiquitous wireless connectivity becomes a reality for users in major cities around the world. Wi-Fi operators are deploying millions of Access Points (APs) with public Service Set Identifiers, (SSID)s, in their networks and linking their networks together into roaming consortiums in order […]

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