

Wi-Fi: The Unsung Hero of Broadband

April 30, 2024

We hear a lot about 5G/6G mobile and 10G cable these days, but another technology is also helping lead the pack to much less fanfare. It’s a technology that’s as essential as the public utilities you rely on every day. In fact, you’re most likely using it to read this blog post. Just as you […]

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MWC 2024 Buzz Signals Continuing Momentum for 5G and Other Mobile Technologies

April 4, 2024

Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the flagship conference for the mobile industry, where vendors and mobile operators showcase new products, technologies and solutions. The buzz at the annual trade show translates to the pulse of the mobile industry and offers a sneak peek at its direction. This year at MWC Barcelona, more than 100,000 participants […]

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Enriched Wi-Fi Performance Through Wi-Fi Multimedia

March 28, 2024

Network service providers and application developers both work to provide their users with the best possible quality of experience (QoE) for their respective services. Although many segments of the service/application layer of end-to-end networks are out of the operator’s control, the segments between the user’s device and the internet are not. One such critical and […]

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Open RAN Momentum: A Year of Technological Evolution  

February 2, 2024

The Open RAN ecosystem has continued to evolve over the past year, taking major steps forward and gaining more credence and industry acceptance. In case you’re not up to speed, here’s an at-a-glance view of some of these promising new developments. Significant new investments are driving scale and innovation.  In September, Vodafone and Samsung kicked […]

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The 6G Network Is On the Horizon

January 25, 2024

Every decade, a new generation of mobile technologies, known as “G,” is developed, along with its own set of capabilities. Recently, the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) unveiled its IMT-2030/6G vision, which outlines capabilities of the 6G network built on top of its earlier IMT-2020/5G vision. The initial standards for the IMT-2030/6G vision are expected to […]

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Building a Smarter 5G Future Through Open RAN Development

November 29, 2023

Technological advancements are paving the way for flexible, cost-efficient and scalable solutions that will transform our digital lives. For the mobile industry, this means helping revolutionize the telecommunications landscape by harnessing the capabilities of 5G to redefine connectivity. This fifth generation of cellular wireless network technology is delivering faster speeds and will soon deliver lower […]

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2023 5G Challenge Event Closes Chapter on Open RAN Competition

September 26, 2023

The 5G Challenge culminated in an inspiring event September 21 with the awarding of $7 million in cash and in-kind prizes to providers of high-performing Open Radio Access Network (RAN) solutions. CableLabs, which served as the host lab in partnership with subsidiary Kyrio, welcomed U.S. and international stakeholders to our headquarters in Colorado for a […]

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Wi-Fi 7 To Transform the Online User Experience

September 13, 2023

Wi-Fi continues to be the world’s preferred wireless technology, with a record 19.5 billion devices expected to be in use by the end of this year. Many factors have contributed to the widespread adoption and success of Wi-Fi technology, including its support for mobility and its ubiquity due to operation in unlicensed bands and relatively […]

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Bringing Open RAN Closer to Broader Adoption: Insights from the Spring ’23 O-RAN PlugFest at CableLabs

July 18, 2023

Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) is one of the most talked-about mobile network technologies these days — and for good reason. There’s a need to reshape the mobile industry toward fully interoperable, secure, trustworthy and cost-effective networks.  Recognizing that need, governments are beginning to throw their support behind the technology. In May, leaders in […]

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Raising the Bar for Open-Source Wi-Fi: TIP OpenWiFi Release 2.9 Validated

June 21, 2023

This week, CableLabs and the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), a global community of companies and organizations committed to developing improved infrastructure solutions for the Wi-Fi ecosystem, announced the successful validation of TIP OpenWiFi Release 2.9. CableLabs has also commissioned a refreshed OpenWiFi Community Lab to serve as a testing ground and demonstration stage for global […]

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