
CableLabs’ Open Source Contributions
April 8, 2015
CableLabs is an active member in many open source communities, with three of our recent contributions highlighted below. We’ve found that engaging with these communities and presenting our intended contributions is incredibly valuable. When our interests align with these projects we’ve generally found the open source community eager to help. Other times we get advice […]

Voice Service Over Wireless Networks
March 9, 2015
Voice traffic has consumed the airwaves of cellular and Wi-Fi networks for years now, being popular with subscribers and a revenue source for operators. Wi-Fi calling is rapidly expanding as a valued service for subscribers. Operators who offer Wi-Fi calling on their own Wi-Fi networks have a unique advantage to provide a superior Wi-Fi calling […]

Healthcare and the Role of Cable
February 12, 2015
Advances in nanotechnology, internet of things, 3D printing, personalized medicine, genomics, and big data are creating a convergence that will allow lower-cost, more effective, and more convenient medical practices to become the norm over the next few years. These advances will change the medical landscape significantly, and create large opportunities for those who can integrate […]

CES 2015: Connecting Things
February 2, 2015
Once again, this year’s CES was the biggest ever. With over 170,000 attendees, 2.2 million square feet of floor space, and over 3,600 exhibitors it was by far, the highest nerd density location in history. The densest of the dense were in Eureka Park where over 375 startups debuted the products of their unfiltered imaginations. […]

Are all Wi-Fi Channels Created Equal?
January 22, 2015
Wi-Fi & RF Performance Over the years, Wi-Fi networks have evolved into planned, managed networks, delivering faster data rates and reliable service using outdoor Hotspots, Enterprise access points (AP), and Homespot gateways. As Wi-Fi Operators continue to rollout and expand Wi-Fi networks, ensuring reliable service and quality is a critical goal. ‘Carrier Grade Wi-Fi’ is […]

OpenStack: Pushing the Cloud
November 19, 2014
Software defined, programmable networks are becoming ubiquitous. They need an underlying software orchestration and infrastructure layer to accelerate their adoption. Without reimaging network management to run at scale without constant human intervention, operational savings will never be realized. After attending The OpenStack Summit in early November, and seeing what the NFV working group has planned, […]

Where is that Set-top Box?
November 18, 2014
As a technology developer in the cable industry, my friends often ask me questions like, “Why do I need all these boxes in front of my TV?”, “Why do I need to use so many remotes?” , and “When will I be able to watch TV on my mobile/tablet?” My enthusiastic response has been, “Very soon!” […]

Wi-Fi vs EU LBT: Houston, we have a problem
November 17, 2014
Licensed Assisted Access using LTE is the nascent LTE tech that puts cellular signals into the unlicensed spectrum. It goes by LAA-LTE or LTE-U for short. By all accounts the blitz is on to push this new tech into the field as fast as possible. NTT DoCoMo and Verizon have already announced their testing LTE-U. […]

Why It’s Time to Pay Attention to Facial Recognition
June 17, 2014
“Face” It, We Like Being “Recognized” As consumers, we love to be pampered. We enjoy feeling special and unique. This is especially true when we are spending our time and money on services. Recognition by a waitress or waiter at our favorite restaurant not only increases our loyalty to the brand, it enhances our experience […]

Where to Find CableLabs’ White Papers and Publications
May 6, 2014
You can now find white papers and publications from CableLabs’ present and past on our public website. From some of our archival documents that still have relevance today, to cutting edge research and innovation, we will be updating this section regularly. Go to the “Resources” tab in the main navigation bar and scroll down to the […]