

Li-Fi – A Bright Future for Home Networks

March 8, 2016

At CableLabs, we are continually researching new methods of in-home wireless network distribution, and one exciting new contender is Li-Fi. What is Li-Fi? Li-Fi is the modulation of a free-space beam of light in order to transmit a signal. It can be thought of as analogous to Wi-Fi, just in a much higher frequency band […]

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Re-Inventing the Internet

February 8, 2016

The Internet Protocol – IP. It has become practically synonymous with networking, and over the last 40 years the adoption of IP has radically changed the world economy and the way that people interact globally, with CableLabs and the cable industry being a major force in that adoption. The past 15+ years in particular have […]

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Gadgets Galore in our Comfortable Living Room Lab

January 26, 2016

Someone once said, “Seeing is Believing.” At CableLabs, we believe that “Doing is Knowing.” With this in mind, we crafted a space in our Sunnyvale, CA facility that we call the Moveable Experience Lab (aka “MEL”). The MEL simulates a consumer living room. The space has been intentionally designed as a “safe place” to frame your […]

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A Great DOCSIS 3.1 Achievement: Certification!

January 13, 2016

For months, many people have been asking me: “When will DOCSIS 3.1 devices get certified?” My response has generally been something along the lines of: “When they successfully demonstrate they’re ready based on the test results. The team at CableLabs will do everything we can to facilitate this process, as our goal is to see […]

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DOCSIS 3.1 Technology: Spec to Product in One Year

December 22, 2015

Around this time last year, CableLabs kicked off the first DOCSIS® 3.1 interoperability event. Looking back, it is amazing how far we have come. Over the last year, CableLabs has held seven DOCSIS 3.1 interoperability events that provide manufacturers with the opportunity to work together on interoperability, development, and compliance. A total of 27 vendors […]

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UPnP, OIC, and Cable

December 9, 2015

On November 23, UPnP Forum announced that Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), one of the major standards efforts focused on the Internet of Things, would be acquiring the assets of UPnP forum. The news was generally lauded in the international press as one substantial step in reducing the disarray that is the Internet of Things. This […]

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5G — The Beginning of an Exhilarating Journey

December 2, 2015

“5G” is the next step for the evolution of wireless technology beyond “4G-LTE” with the 2018 and 2020 Olympics acting as powerful Incentives for vendors to accelerate their product development. A few weeks ago, I travelled to San Francisco to chair a session at the new IEEE SDN-NFV conference and to participate in a panel […]

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Fair LTE-U Coexistence Far From Proven In CableLabs / Qualcomm Testing

November 11, 2015

CableLabs has been working hard to ensure that the introduction of LTE into unlicensed spectrum is a win for wireless broadband, and that it does not disrupt the Wi-Fi services that consumers have come to rely on. We have covered in prior posts why that is a challenge, since LTE-U can take advantage of Wi-Fi’s […]

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Wi-Fi vs. Duty Cycled LTE-U: In-Home Testing Reveals Coexistence Challenges

November 5, 2015

Rob Alderfer, VP Technology Policy, CableLabs and Nadia Yoza-Mitsuishi, Wireless Architect Intern, CableLabs also contributed to this article. In our last blog on Wi-Fi / LTE coexistence, we laid out the dangers attending the apparent decision of a few large carriers to go forward with the carrier scale deployment of a non-standard form of unlicensed […]

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DOCSIS® 3.1 Products Are Getting Real!

October 12, 2015

Is the cable industry ready to deliver multi-gigabit broadband? Can the industry effectively compete in the market against fiber? Can the existing HFC plant scale to support the spectrum requirements of next generation services? The answer to all these questions is a resounding YES! as shown at CableLabs during a DOCSIS 3.1 demonstration day held […]

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