
Specifications Aren’t Pretty…But They Are Necessary
July 20, 2020
Over 22 years ago, my first project at CableLabs was to prepare the DOCSIS® 1.0 Radio Frequency Interface (RFI) specification as a contribution to the International Telecommunication Institute-Telecom Sector (ITU-T). After working in various industries, I found the telecommunications industry to be an exciting new world. During my first week, I started a list of […]

Power your Product Roadmap with Perceptive Technologies
June 21, 2018
Did you get it? Are you sure? Missed and mixed signals are common problems with human interpretation, and perceptive technologies have the power to correct both. New advancements in perceptive technologies can help you design and deliver more compelling and personalized experiences, from entertainment to engagement, which will not only track how your end users […]

Immersive Media: Emerging Technology Timeline
April 24, 2018
You can find the first installment of this series “Emerging Technologies: New and Compelling Use Cases” here and the second installment “Catalysts and Building Blocks: Emerging Technology Timeline” here. The Content Game vs. The Experience Game Are you in the content game or are you in the experience game? This is not a philosophical question. […]

Catalysts and Building Blocks: Emerging Technology Timeline
April 4, 2018
App Developers—welcome to your future. Significant advances in the sciences and quantum computing will allow you to create and deliver breakthrough experiences in a highly secure fashion more quickly. While the collapse of Moore’s law may worry some, advances in fundamental science and technology will continue to enable exponential shifts in the solutions landscape. Near instantaneous processing speeds […]

Emerging Technologies: New and Compelling Use Cases
March 6, 2018
How will emerging technologies impact industries powered by communication networks? What will this mean for your customers and end users? In our annual Emerging Technology Timeline (ETT), we highlight provocative new technologies that will impact the development of novel solutions and the ecosystems they serve. Are you a product tsar, strategist or developer who relies […]

Towards the Holodeck Experience: Seeking Life-Like Interaction with Virtual Reality
September 5, 2017
By now, most of us are well aware of the market buzz around the topics of virtual and augmented reality. Many of us, at some point or another, have donned the bulky, head-mounted gear and tepidly stepped into the experience to check it out for ourselves. And, depending on how sophisticated your set up is […]

5G For All: The Need for Standardized 5G Technologies in the Unlicensed Bands
August 29, 2017
Wherever you turn in the wireless ecosystem today, 5G is the buzzword and the popular kid on the block… well, at least in some blocks. 3GPP, a third generation partnership project that defines specifications for GSM networks and radio access technologies, is working on developing the 5G standards at an accelerated pace, thus emphasizing the […]

Introduction to Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM): The Importance of Broadband
August 24, 2017
This is the introduction for our upcoming series on Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM). The advent of the Internet has had a profound impact on American life. Broadband is a foundation for economic growth, job creation, global competitiveness and a better way of life. The internet is enabling entire new industries and unlocking vast new possibilities […]

Hello Blockchain . . . Goodbye Lawyers?
April 19, 2016
As the blockchain technology star begins to eclipse Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies that rely upon it, there has been an increase in research and development into using blockchain for “smart contracts.” Smart contracts are computer programs that facilitate, verify, execute, and enforce a contract. While smart contracts have existed to a limited extent for […]

The Analog Monkey on Our Backs: Wrong-Thinking about Data over Cable
March 10, 2016
We inherit a lot of things from the past – not all of them good. When the telephone was invented by Elisha Grey, it evolved from wired telegraph lines. This was a natural evolution since the telegraph lines already existed and were proven, whereas radio technology was still in its infancy. When television was first […]