

Wi-Fi vs. Duty Cycled LTE-U: In-Home Testing Reveals Coexistence Challenges

November 5, 2015

Rob Alderfer, VP Technology Policy, CableLabs and Nadia Yoza-Mitsuishi, Wireless Architect Intern, CableLabs also contributed to this article. In our last blog on Wi-Fi / LTE coexistence, we laid out the dangers attending the apparent decision of a few large carriers to go forward with the carrier scale deployment of a non-standard form of unlicensed […]

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Downloadable Security and the Future of CableCARDs

September 10, 2015

The Downloadable Security Technology Advisory Committee (DSTAC) just released its final Report on August 31, 2015. A large number of companies (including CableLabs members) issued a joint statement regarding this Report.   All of which naturally raises several questions, such as, what is DSTAC? What does the Report say? And what does it mean for consumers? A […]

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Is Virtual Reality the Next Big Thing?

September 8, 2015

In the Advanced Technology Group at CableLabs I get to play with all the best toys, trying to work out what is a challenge or an opportunity, and what is a flop waiting to be unwrapped. 3D is a great case study. I first got to work with 3D TV in 1995 (in a prior […]

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SCOTUS Sidesteps an Interface with APIs

July 9, 2015

On the last day of its term, the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and thus it let stand a controversial copyright decision by the appellate court on the copyrightability of application program interfaces or APIs. The case, Oracle v. Google, dates back to 2010 […]

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NFV and SDN: Paving the Way to a Software-Based Networking Future

March 23, 2015

When ONF Executive Director Dan Pitt invited me to contribute a blog post, it brought to mind our interaction in the summer of 2012 on how to treat SDN in the seminal NFV White Paper I was then editing. The operator co-authors were keen to ensure that SDN and NFV were positioned in the paper […]

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Insights From Creating A Collaborative Workplace

February 25, 2015

In 2013, CableLabs embarked on an ambitious project to re-imagine its Louisville, Colorado location into a work environment that better aligns with CableLabs’ growing innovative culture and strong sense of collaboration. Traditional high walled cubes and offices were no longer conducive to the level of interaction, flexibility, and innovation that CableLabs’ team members, projects, and visitors need. CableLabs’ CEO Phil McKinney articulated three “must achieve” […]

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Cable in the Internet of Things

October 8, 2014

It seems there’s only one thing everyone can agree upon about the Internet of Things – it includes the Internet and connected “things.” There are numerous standards and products that define specific areas within the Internet of Things (home automation, instrumented factories, and connected parking to name a few), but consumers are still largely unaware […]

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Learning to Innovate – The Innovation Bootcamp

August 6, 2014

The Importance of Innovation Companies depend on the ability to innovate in order to remain competitive. Traditionally, we consider innovation to involve fun and creativity. However, innovation can be hard work requiring both willingness and an ability to generate ideas. According to Linda Hill and co-authors of Collective Genius in the recent Harvard Business Review […]

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What We Can Learn From Lean Startup Business Models

May 22, 2014

CableLabs sponsored Boulder Startup Week this year, and with that in mind we thought we’d take a look at a startup approach that could have value for business of all sizes and in all stages. Ken Fricklas, who has extensive startup experience, provides his take below: What is Lean and Why Do We Care? A […]

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A Look at CableLabs, from CEO Phil McKinney

May 8, 2014

Phil McKinney, CEO at CableLabs, recently wrote an article for Cablefax highlighting the history and work of CableLabs within the cable industry.  Here is a snippet, and be sure to follow the link to read the entire article: “Today’s cable industry is a far cry from what it was twenty years ago when the Internet was […]

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