

Progress in the First Year of the STB Voluntary Agreement

August 28, 2014

Back at the beginning of this year, I blogged about the historic STB Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement. Today, the signatories of VA announced the release of their first annual report, and they are already making significant progress. CableLabs is proud to be a part of this important initiative. Let me recap what has happened over […]

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Learning to Innovate – The Innovation Bootcamp

August 6, 2014

The Importance of Innovation Companies depend on the ability to innovate in order to remain competitive. Traditionally, we consider innovation to involve fun and creativity. However, innovation can be hard work requiring both willingness and an ability to generate ideas. According to Linda Hill and co-authors of Collective Genius in the recent Harvard Business Review […]

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NCTA Clears Up Set-Top Box Energy Reports

June 19, 2014

Recently a lot of waves were made when the L.A. Times published an article claiming that cable TV boxes have become the second-biggest energy using appliance in consumers’ homes. Unfortunately, there were several inaccuracies in the article, including statements made about the Industry Agreement for Ongoing Improvement to the Energy Efficiency of Set-Top Boxes (STBs). NCTA Blog The […]

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A Look at CableLabs, from CEO Phil McKinney

May 8, 2014

Phil McKinney, CEO at CableLabs, recently wrote an article for Cablefax highlighting the history and work of CableLabs within the cable industry.  Here is a snippet, and be sure to follow the link to read the entire article: “Today’s cable industry is a far cry from what it was twenty years ago when the Internet was […]

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Expanded Set-top Box Voluntary Agreement a Win for Service Providers and Consumers

January 3, 2014

At the end of December, the U.S. Energy Department, along with representatives from the pay TV industry and energy efficiency advocates, announced that the Energy Department has endorsed the Set-top Box (STB) Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement and is terminating its plans to regulate STBs.  CableLabs supported the efforts that led up to this, and are […]

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