
SDN & NFV: Moving the Network into the Cloud
February 26, 2014
Cisco recently predicted that Internet traffic will reach 1.4 zettabytes per year by 2017. This traffic explosion is putting pressure on service providers to rein in costs while increasing capacity. Enter Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). In much the same way that virtualization and Cloud have changed computing, the combination of […]

DOCSIS® Technology: National Broadband Down Under
January 28, 2014
I was recently asked to speak with a reporter from Australia about CableLabs newly minted DOCSIS 3.1 specifications. In and of itself that’s nothing terribly unusual: in my role as the lead for the DOCSIS 3.1 project here at CableLabs, one of my responsibilities is to inform people about the technology. It would’ve been just […]