
2019 Tech Innovation Predictions
January 3, 2019
Now that 2019 is here, it’s time to share my tech innovation predictions for the year. Watch the video below to find out what you can expect to see in 2019. What are your innovation predictions for 2019? Tell us in the comment section below. Best wishes for a great new year! — Subscribe to our blog […]

1+1=100: CableLabs’ University Research Relationships and Their Role Within the Innovation Ecosystem
December 28, 2018
One of CableLabs’ most important objectives is the continuous pursuit of new ideas that can lead to game-changing innovations for the cable industry. CableLabs university research relationships give us access to great minds around the world that can bring innovative ideas to the cable industry and supercharge our own efforts at CableLabs. It’s also an […]

CableLabs Announces Major Update to the Open Source LoRa Server
December 18, 2018
Last week, in my blog post “CableLabs Open Source LPWAN Server Brings Diverse LPWAN Technologies Together,” we announced our LPWAN Server. This project is open source and: Provides new capabilities to bring IoT LPWAN wireless technologies together Is a flexible tool to enable the use of multiple servers across multiple vendors The LPWAN Server was […]

CableLabs Open Source LPWAN Server Brings Diverse LPWAN Technologies Together
December 11, 2018
CableLabs is excited to announce a new open source project called LPWAN Server. The LPWAN Server provides new capabilities to bring IoT LPWAN wireless technologies together. Before we go into more details on the LPWAN Server, let us first get some background into this space. In my previous blog post, I discussed the Internet of […]

Innovation From All Corners: The Role of Vendors in the Innovation Ecosystem
December 7, 2018
So far we’ve covered the cycle of innovation and commercialization in Transforming Ideas into Solutions and how CableLabs helps turn innovative ideas into reality through startup collaboration and creative licensing agreements. This next part of the Innovation Ecosystem Series focuses on vendors and their role in moving our industry forward. CableLabs has a long […]

IPoC: A New Core Networking Protocol for 5G Networks
October 29, 2018
5G is the latest iteration of cellular network technology developed to meet the growing traffic demand for both smartphones and homes. With beamforming and frequency bands reaching millimeter waves, 5G promises many benefits: Higher speeds Lower latency The ability to connect many more devices However, current de jure standards and protocols, designed for earlier technologies, […]

Cable and Education: Welcome to the Classroom of the Future
October 25, 2018
In August we released the third installment of our vision videos: “The Near Future. Ready for Anything.” In the video, we imagine a future where kids use technology to learn and solve problems and can’t wait to come back to school on Monday. Skeptical? You won’t be after you see what their classrooms might look […]

Patents and Licensing: Why It Matters
October 18, 2018
Hi, Jud here. A lawyer, writing a blog. Why? Because I’ve been asked so many times about how patents and licensing works that I decided to write it all down as an element in our CableLabs Innovation Series. I tend to spend a lot of my time (understatement!) working on both patents and licensing. So, […]

Living the Gigabit Internet Dream
September 20, 2018
“Gigabit” is the Internet dream. It means connectivity at blazing-fast speeds, with enough bandwidth for any device imaginable, where the online world is your oyster. Cable is rapidly making this dream a reality by making gigabit Internet service available to consumers. Looking back just a couple of years, the prospect of widely available gigabit service […]

UpRamp’s Innovation Economy: The Teltoo™ Story
September 14, 2018
In this next part of our CableLabs Innovation Ecosystem Series—which we began with“Transforming Ideas into Solutions”— we continue our discussion on CableLabs’ subsidiary UpRamp® and the startup ecosystem. You can read more about UpRamp in my blog “How UpRamp is on a Mission to Fix the Innovation Economy for the Connectivity Industry.” Every organization needs a raison […]