Security Gets the Spotlight at DOCSIS 4.0 Interop·Labs Event
August 31, 2023
CableLabs and Kyrio hosted a second DOCSIS® 4.0 Interop·Labs Event August 14–17 at our headquarters in Louisville, Colorado. This event built on our successes in July, focusing on interoperability between DOCSIS 4.0 cable modems (CMs) and DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem termination systems (CMTSs). Attendance was up from the July interop, along with the addition of […]

DOCSIS 4.0 Interop·Labs Event Draws Excellent Participation
August 1, 2023
For the first time since we published the DOCSIS® 4.0 specifications in 2020, the DOCSIS community recently came together for an Interop•Labs event. With Kyrio support, CableLabs hosted the interop July 17–21 at our headquarters in Louisville, Colorado. The event was a success on multiple fronts, and I was particularly excited by the strong turnout […]

Inaugural DOCSIS 4.0 Interop Event Sets Stage for Interoperability Testing
July 11, 2023
Consumers are demanding increasingly immersive, interactive media experiences that require faster speeds, lower latency, increased network reliability and enhanced security. The future of the cable industry relies on interoperability to deliver what consumers need. That’s the goal of the industry’s full-court press toward 10G deployment, and it starts with DOCSIS® 4.0 compliance. DOCSIS 4.0 Equipment […]

DOCSIS Technology Ramps Up Speed
June 22, 2023
Thanks to two recent innovations, DOCSIS technology is bringing more speed to the table. First, DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem termination systems (CMTSs) can now offer more DOCSIS channels than they did just a few years ago. Second, DOCSIS 4.0 cable modems (CMs) can take advantage of those extra channels to provide even faster speeds. DOCSIS […]

How DOCSIS® 4.0 Technology Is Enabling The Next Generation of Broadband
August 26, 2021
Broadband just got better as cable delivers on the 10G Platform with DOCSIS® 4.0 technology that is not only faster but more cost-effective. These speeds will allow consumers to access the next generation of higher bandwidth customer applications that allow for improved telework, education, gaming, health care, social interaction, and virtual reality (VR) and augmented […]

Interop·Labs for DOCSIS® 4.0 Technology
July 20, 2021
On behalf of CableLabs, Kyrio will be hosting upcoming DOCSIS 4.0 interoperability events! DOCSIS 4.0 technology is the next evolution of the HFC network, moving the industry towards the 10G vision and offering multigigabit symmetric services as well as low latencies over the network. As vendors work to create the development of DOCSIS 4.0 products, CableLabs and Kyrio are busy preparing for the next phase of technology development: conducting interoperability events. CableLabs has established a rigorous process for technology […]

CableLabs Specifications Move From De Facto to De Jure
October 6, 2020
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines de facto and de jure as follows: de facto | di-ˈfak-(ˌ)tō – actual, exercising power as if legally constituted de jure | (ˌ)dē-ˈju̇r-ē – by right, based on laws or actions of the state In law and government, de facto describes practices that exist in reality, even though they are not officially […]

CableLabs Releases DOCSIS® Simulation Model
September 10, 2020
When it comes to technology innovation, one of the most powerful tools in an engineer’s toolbox is the ability to rapidly test hypotheses through simulations. Simulation frameworks are used in nearly all engineering disciplines as a way to understand complex system behaviors that would be difficult to predict analytically. Simulations also allow the researcher to control variables, explore a wide range […]

On the Path to 10G: CableLabs Publishes DOCSIS® 4.0 Specification
March 26, 2020
Today we are pleased to announce the release of the DOCSIS 4.0 specification, which incorporates both full duplex and extended spectrum capabilities. A part of the suite of technologies that support the 10G platform, DOCSIS 4.0 technology achieves a downstream speed of up to 10 Gbps (doubling the maximum download speed available with the implemented DOCSIS 3.1 technology) […]

A Major Leap Toward 10G: CableLabs to Complete DOCSIS® 4.0 Specification in Early 2020
September 26, 2019
In a continuing effort to meet the industry’s recently announced 10G goal, CableLabs is wrapping up the first major update to its DOCSIS specification since DOCSIS 3.1. DOCSIS 4.0 technology will enable the next generation of broadband over cable’s existing hybrid fiber coax (HFC) networks, delivering symmetrical multi-gigabit speeds while supporting high reliability, high security […]