There are 16 blogs written by Matt Schmitt.
The P2P Coherent Optics Specification of the Future, Available Today
March 12, 2019
Today, CableLabs is announcing another addition to our family of Point-to-Point Coherent Optics specifications: The Physical Layer 2.0 (PHYv2.0) specification. This new specification defines interoperable point-to-point (P2P) coherent optics links running at 200 Gbps (200G) on a single wavelength. Just 9 months ago, in July of 2018, CableLabs announced the release of the P2P Coherent […]
Something Old, Something New: CableLabs Holds First P2P Coherent Optics Interop
December 19, 2018
No, it wasn’t a wedding—but it was a major gathering of great importance! Nine prominent manufacturers participated in the very first CableLabs Point-to-Point (P2P) Coherent Optics Interoperability Event. The highly successful Interop·Labs event took place at the CableLabs offices in Louisville, Colorado, December 4–6. Participants included nine manufacturers from the coherent optics space, including both […]
First Light for CableLabs® Point-to-Point Coherent Optics Specifications
July 2, 2018
On June 29th, CableLabs publicly unveiled for the first time two new specifications: P2P Coherent Optics Architecture Specification P2P Coherent Optics Physical Layer v1.0 Specification These two new specifications are the result of a focused effort by CableLabs, our members, and our manufacturer partners to develop Coherent Optics technology for the access network and bring […]
3 Tips on How to Make CableLabs Certification/Qualification Testing as Painless as Possible
June 21, 2018
In the previous two blog posts in this series, we talked about what CableLabs Certification and Qualification are, as well as what they mean to both cable operators and manufacturers. In this post, we pose the question: How does a manufacturer ensure that it can get through this process successfully? In a word: preparation. Although […]
Why Should I Care? The Value of CableLabs Certification/Qualification for Manufacturers
June 14, 2018
In my previous blog post in this series, we talked about the process of becoming CableLabs Certified or CableLabs Qualified, and why determining whether a device has been certified or qualified is valuable for cable operators. But what about for manufacturers? In the previous blog post’s example—in which a cable operator was having trouble with […]
What’s in a Name? The Value of CableLabs Certification/Qualification for Cable Operators
May 31, 2018
An industry colleague recently reached out to a few of us with a problem: A cable operator was having trouble with a cable modem termination system (CMTS) in his network. The manufacturer of that CMTS had claimed that it was “DOCSIS® Compliant,” and therefore this operator apparently had assumed it would just work. We checked […]
A Great DOCSIS 3.1 Achievement: Certification!
January 13, 2016
For months, many people have been asking me: “When will DOCSIS 3.1 devices get certified?” My response has generally been something along the lines of: “When they successfully demonstrate they’re ready based on the test results. The team at CableLabs will do everything we can to facilitate this process, as our goal is to see […]
DOCSIS® Technology: National Broadband Down Under
January 28, 2014
I was recently asked to speak with a reporter from Australia about CableLabs newly minted DOCSIS 3.1 specifications. In and of itself that’s nothing terribly unusual: in my role as the lead for the DOCSIS 3.1 project here at CableLabs, one of my responsibilities is to inform people about the technology. It would’ve been just […]