There are 21 blogs written by Debbie Fitzgerald.

Industry Set-Top Box Voluntary Agreement Initiative Wins Environmental Leader Top Project of the Year Award
June 28, 2016
Last week, at the 2016 Environmental Leader Conference, the Set-Top Box Voluntary Agreement (STB VA) received special recognition to reduce energy consumption related to set-top boxes in consumers’ homes. The Environmental Leader Top Project of the Year Award is a program recognizing excellence in projects that provide companies and consumers with environmental, sustainability and energy […]

A New Voluntary Agreement for Energy Efficiency: Home Internet Equipment
June 25, 2015
For a couple of years now, cable operators, along with other pay-tv service providers and manufacturers, have been working diligently to improve the energy efficiency of set-top boxes in the home through the set-top box (STB) Voluntary Agreement. And they have already demonstrated energy savings, even in the first year. But set-top boxes are not […]

Interactive TV Ads – Is There a Demand?
April 10, 2015
Recently, Coke aired an interactive advertisement during the NCAA Final Four basketball games. I thought I would try it out. When the ad starts, it declares “This is a drinkable commercial,” then prompts the user to “Shazam now to drink it.” I launched Shazam on my smartphone, it picked up the audio, and launched a […]

Progress in the First Year of the STB Voluntary Agreement
August 28, 2014
Back at the beginning of this year, I blogged about the historic STB Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement. Today, the signatories of VA announced the release of their first annual report, and they are already making significant progress. CableLabs is proud to be a part of this important initiative. Let me recap what has happened over […]

Expanded Set-top Box Voluntary Agreement a Win for Service Providers and Consumers
January 3, 2014
At the end of December, the U.S. Energy Department, along with representatives from the pay TV industry and energy efficiency advocates, announced that the Energy Department has endorsed the Set-top Box (STB) Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement and is terminating its plans to regulate STBs. CableLabs supported the efforts that led up to this, and are […]