There are 11 blogs written by Chris Lammers.

CableLabs in Hong Kong: Insights from APOStech 2017
July 19, 2017
CableLabs participated in the 2nd Annual APOStech conference in Hong Kong July 4-6, 2017 and it was a huge success! APOStech is designed to unite executives and key stakeholders from the video and broadband industries across the Asia Pacific region to discuss technology innovation and trends that are defining the future of the connected consumer. Over 180 […]

CableLabs Goes Down Under
April 27, 2017
In a bit of alright, CableLabs recently welcomed Australia’s National Broadband Network (nbn) – as our 56th member — and our first in Australia. CableLabs now has members across five continents — adding Australia to Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Established by the Australian government in 2009 to design, build and operate Australia’s […]

Implementing CableLabs Global Strategy
June 8, 2016
Recently CableLabs held a signing ceremony in its Louisville, Colorado headquarters for Chongqing Cable Networks Co., Ltd. (CCN) its 55th cable operator member. CCN, located in southwest China, is one of China’s leading cable operators providing service to over five million digital subscribers, including HDTV, interactive video and broadband Internet services. China represents a significant […]