August 13, 2024
// News

CableLabs’ David Debrecht to Moderate Open RAN Global Forum RIC Session

The Non-RealTime RAN Intelligent Controller (Non-RT RIC) is a central part of the Open RAN architecture, managing Radio Access Network (RAN) functions that take one second or more to complete. It is part of the Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) Framework and is deployed centrally in the service provider’s network. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), Non-RT RIC optimizes and controls RAN elements and resources. Its functions include service and policy management, RAN analytics and model training to support the Near-RealTime RIC, all of which are guided by the specifications of the O-RAN Alliance.

Join David Debrecht, vice president of wireless technology at CableLabs, as he moderates a lively discussion about expectations for the RIC. This virtual panel session will occur during the Open RAN Global Forum on Tuesday, September 24 at 2:15 p.m. EDT. Learn more and register to attend.

About CableLabs

As the leading innovation and R&D lab for the cable industry, CableLabs creates global impact through its member companies around the world and its subsidiary, Kyrio. With a state-of-the art research and innovation facility and collaborative ecosystem with thousands of vendors, CableLabs delivers impactful network technologies for the entire industry.