The Television Boom is Here
Burgeoning technical developments in TV and fiber optics usher in a new digital era. Cable, a fringe technology just a few years before, is now in 51% of U.S. households. The industry is exploding with over 11,000 cable operators competing in the same space and Dick Green, John Malone and Dick Leghorn know that for Cable to succeed, all players—big and small—need to come together. They create a non-profit organization to help guide cable operators through this time of great innovation. CableLabs is born. And so is channel surfing.
The Cable Cowboys

Richard Green
Dick Green becomes the very first CableLabs CEO and will continue to serve in the role for 20 years before retiring in 2008. Under his leadership, CableLabs lives up to its founders' vision, becoming an innovation engine for the entire industry.

John Malone
One of the most influential men in media, John Malone has a deep understanding of the way this industry works. In 1988, John writes a letter to all the cable companies, formulating what essentially becomes a blueprint for CableLabs.

Richard Leghorn
A military hero, an MIT graduate, and a true cable industry pioneer. When all the other cable CEOs were too busy amassing smaller cable systems, Dick convinced them that an industry-wide R&D organization is the key to the future.
Is CableLabs Even Legal?
Now it is, but the anti-trust law wasn't always so favorable. In 1984, Congress had finally passed the National Cooperative Research Act allowing R&D consortiums, like CableLabs, to exist. Now companies can discuss technology and strategies with Uncle Sam's approval.

HDTV development is well underway
You can even own one for about $30,000.